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The Pensiline ground system offers a robust and versatile solution for installing photovoltaic modules.
Consisting of a solid load-bearing substructure of hot-dip galvanized steel and an aluminum profile warping, Pensiline is designed to provide a safe and durable support for your solar panels.
You have a choice of two different aluminum warping solutions: an integrated system for a more compact installation and a standard system with locking clamps for greater flexibility.
The standard configuration of the Pensiline system is designed to accommodate two parking spaces under one span, allowing the installation of five rows of modules arranged horizontally or three rows arranged vertically.
The Pensiline ground system also adapts to specific needs, offering customized configurations for both the steel substructure and the orientation of the PV modules.
Whether you’re looking for a standard or custom solution, the Pensilina system guarantees anefficient and customizable installation.

EPDM gasket section “T”

Blocking end profile

Cover profile

End profile support modules

Blocking middle profile

Middle profile support modules

VT0014 guarnizione PVC coestrusa

Stainless steel closing cap

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