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who we are

It is 1996, and Contact Italia is putting down roots in the world of civil and industrial plant engineering.

An entire factory dedicated to designing components for electrical connection, distribution, fastening, and insulation.

Then, in 2007, the expansion.
The integration of the solar division and the creation of a team engaged in the engineering of fastening systems for photovoltaic systems.

Electricity and solar energy are now the hard core of the entire project.

A management-oriented company, in which the renewal process never ends and which makes quality of raw materials, product certifications and customer support its clear cornerstones.

This, our challenge in Italy and beyond its borders.


Energy is everywhere.

It affects all of us.

It goes through us.

And in the exact moment it passes through us, we exist.

Contact Italia’s raison d’être can be summed up in this single, clear mantra.

A thought that finds real application in the work done, every day, by each of the resources engaged in this challenge.

We will always guarantee the highest quality and extreme strength of the selected raw materials: we choose only aluminum and stainless steel, and subject all our systems to major stress-tests that verify their load capacity and durability.

We will always ensure maximum customer support: the in-house technical department has always been one of the company’s strongest assets.


All evolutions start from an idea.


Our challenge has always been geared toward what is right for the end user of the product.


Quick and easy installation, for the electrical compartment.


Safety, low environmental impact and high quality standards, for the solar division.

From each of these statements of intent derives the orientation that resources, technologies, skills and departments involved in the company pursue.


We have been living the world of industrial plant engineering since the last century. Every word lavished comes from the deep knowledge gained in the field of Energy.


An underperforming product will never be chosen a second time. Therefore, we demanded the utmost perfection from every reference produced. Contact products enjoy Certifications to validate their excellence.


When it comes to Energy everything goes fast. We have chosen to be as well, ensuring continuous product availability and quick delivery time.

Progress is possible where there is Security.

To ensure excellent results, it is necessary to guarantee flawless performance and high quality standards for those who choose Contact Italia.
Here are the certifications we have been awarded:
RINA ISO 9001:2015 Certification
ICIM 001DX/3 Certification
ICIM 002DX/3 Certification
ICIM 003DX/3 Certification
ICIM 004DX/3 Certification
RINA ISO 14001:2015 Certification
Model 231 - Code of Ethics
ICIM 005DX/2 Certification
ICIM 006DX/2 Certification
ICIM Certification 007DX/3
ICIM 008DX/3 Certification
Quality policy
Model 231 - General Part
Gender equality policy and related