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Front and rear supports with 5°, 10°, 15° inclination


High inertia, high wind load zone (NET) and low wind load zone (NET light) base profiles for fastening supports and mat.


Front and rear supports with 5°, 10°, 15° inclination


High inertia, high wind load zone (NET) and low wind load zone (NET light) base profiles for fastening supports and mat.


Chained system at 5°, 10° e 15°

The FEETNET chained system is suitable for mounting photovoltaic modules on flat roofs. The modules are blocked on the short side. It is possible installation with three different inclinations 5°, 10°, 15°. The choice of the base profile depends on the wind load conditions at the installation site.
Stackable mats are placed between the cover and the base profile to increase friction. The positioning of additional weights is made easy and flexible by the use of suitable accessories to avoid punctures on the roofs.

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